Republic of Zimbabwe – 1
Nov 16th, 2007 by pfadmin
Over the month of November, please dedicate some of your prayer times to focus on this month’s mission emphasis (Zimbabwe). (Information excerpted from Operation World, calendar targets).
Targets for Prayer:
Zimbabwe needs a government that will serve the nation rather than those who govern. Pray for early, non-violent change and for this land to be brought back from the brink of a social and economic abyss. Malnutrition, threat of food shortages, and unemployment are growing rapidly and the country is becoming a time bomb.
The AIDS calamity in Zimbabwe is one of the world’s worst cases. A combination of government neglect, lack of healthcare resources, promiscuity and social reluctance to face up to the drastic measures required are the root causes. Over 25% of all adults carried the virus by 2000; the number of orphans had risen to nearly 1 million (9% of the population). Deaths rose to 700 a week and the economy and life expectancy has plummeted. Pray for:
a) A radical change in hearts and attitudes to sex and to AIDS itself.
b) Effective government, NGO and church action to stop the spread of the infection.
c) Specific programs run by Christian agencies to address the issue. Pray that all churches might face up to the moral, spiritual, and economic implications of the pandemic for their ministry.
The Church has grown, but so have the challenges. Pray for:
a) A multiplication of mature leaders. Praise the Lord for godly men in leadership today, but their numbers must increase to cope with the rapid growth.
b) The Bible schools and seminaries. In 1992 there were 22 such institutions. There are an increasing number of church-based and TEE programs being set up. Pray for effective teaching and discipling of those called to serve the Lord.
c) Spiritual unity. The Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe links together over 160 churches and organizations, the Pentecostal Fellowship of Zimbabwe has brought together ten denominations and Fambidzano links other African Independent Churches for fellowship and theological instruction. Target 2000 helped to unite many denominations in a common goal for saturation church planting.
d) A prophetic voice for the Church. Politics has been left to the politicians. Christians are divided on how to cope with the burgeoning political crisis, and often remain silent when a clear moral stand is required.
e) A clear stand against witchcraft and demonic powers or veneration of ancestors in the guise of nationalism. Pray that Christians may not compromise, but know power in the name of Jesus to both protect and deliver from fear and bondage.